Following the Paradigm Shift
A Paradigm Shift is when a significant change happens - usually from one fundamental view to a different view. In most cases, some type of major discontinuity occurs as well.
Thomas Kuhn wrote about Paradigm Shift during the early 1960s, and explained how "series of peaceful interludes punctuated by intellectually violent revolutions" caused "one conceptual world view to be replaced by another view."
In laymen terms, Paradigm Shift is a popular, or perhaps, not so popular shift or transformation of the way we Humans perceive events, people, environment, and life altogether. It can be a national or international shift, and could have dramatic effects -- whether positive or negative -- on the way we live our lives today and in the future. Compiled by Carol Ann Bailey-Lloyd
All of the MG Taylor models are recursive and fractal in nature. The models can be applied at many different levels. While the model of the creative process is most often used at an individual or enterprise level, it equally applies to a global paradigm shift. In 1979 when Matt and I brought our ideas and visions together to create MGTaylor, we started tracking the evolution of what we then were calling the Information Economy. We were watching the birthing of a new science paradigm being formed from quantum physics, cybernetic systems, and complexity science. We watched ideas begin to spread outside theoretical papers and move into more lay-science articles and magazines. Authors began taking the work of these scientists and working them into adjacent fields and into everyday technology. Metaphors began to appear to help ordinary folks like me come to know at least a sense of what was forming. Some religions and science began thinking together, coming full cycle with universal ideas. One early book I can remember is The Tao of Physics. In 1990, Danah Zohar wrote The Quantum Self, a landmark book for me. Suddenly the 1990s were rich with books and stories. Two of my favorites are Out of Control, by Kevin Kelly, and Leadership and the New Science by Meg Wheatley. I draw on these books continuously.
Other signs of a new paradigm finding its way forth was the deepening stress and anger of the old system, always in denial of change. Meanwhile new ideas were popping forth with greater and greater speed and a number of them were sticking. Nature is abundant in how it spreads seeds. Few take hold but there are enough to create entire new ecosystems and create thriving diversity and difference.
We've tracked the emergence of this new paradigm through identity, vision, intent, and finally over the last few years through insight, engineering and building. Once a small but significant number of new diverse ideas take root and begin holding their ground, transformation comes quickly.
William Gibson, author states: “The future is already here,it’s just unevenly distributed. ”
Like Gibson, I believe we - the collective we - or enough of us - have passed the tipping point and moved beyond insight into engineering and building and using. This is the easier part; it will happen fast. Soon, we will be in the midst of a new, very different paradigm. The question is “Will We recognize our responsibilityt”? How will we choose to shape it? Its character - that of a knowledge economy, a phoenix economy, a stewardship of Planet Earth, a civil society are laying tracks. It is up to all of us to give the ideas lift, to shape them further, invest in them, engage in the design process. It is still possible for this fresh new paradigm to go bad, if we spend too much of our time fighting wars we have won, not seeing a fresh world in the making. I suggest we step fully into this new paradigm and attract others into a world of our making. It is truly time to have a future by design, not default.
Kuhn believed that “...when a scientific paradigm is replaced by a new one, albeit through a complex social process, the new one is always better, not just different".
It is possible that within our lifetimes many of our visions and intentions will be taken for normality? I am not speaking of a utopian civilization. Who wants that! But the ideas and philosophies that so many of us have been working for will not be fought. Instead they will be used and promoted within the new paradigm.
This moment in time is so rich -- full of surprises, chaos, new orders, new questions, new relationships to each other and to the stuff we make and use. Let's help each other stay awake and design our way through this transformative era.