
"In all things be generous"

I missed most of the popular TV shows of the 90's and early 2000's because of work and other interests.  Recently, I have been downloading some West Wing and ER segments from iTunes.  In one ER, Mark Greene, one of the surgeons was dying with brain cancer.  Mark was not yet 40 years old.  His last words to his young rebellious daughter were to be generous in all things ... with love, and exploration, with feelings, and giving... with life.  Such a wise gift to a young daughter! Although his daughter, Rachael, is a made-up character, I can't help but wonder how this affected her life going forward. 

I'm not sure I have ever thought about being generous in all directions. To live life to the fullest invites all  emotions to be transparent and expressed.  I sometimes hear that a person is too generous with their time or money.  What does this mean? If we are generous in all things, does this mean spoiling our planet, doing whatever we wanted?

Generous is one of the words I believe needs to be re-membered and made new.  I have a list of other words as well.  Health, wealth, and happy are but a few.  Each of these words demands new definition for the paradigm we hope to attract. Health is more than sickness and wealth is more than not being poor.  The concept of happy has been challenged lately. What does it mean?

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20 red threads, 39 glass beads, a five year vector and 25 mil on the table for one Circle of Blue

On April 20 & 21, The Value Web, together with Tomorrow Makers and J.Fairchild, put on Waves and Memes, a two-day design workshop for Circle of Blue—an "international network of leading journalists, scientists and communications designers that reports and presents the information necessary to respond to the global freshwater crisis"—and its ecosystem to prepare for upcoming presentations to some highly regarded and seriously interested investor communities. Waves and Memes marked the first time that people from each of these organizational components have come together to focus on CoB as an organization and, from this, design an engagement—content and process—to attract funding from specific, mutually selected investors. What could the time with such an audience look, sound, and feel like? What does it produce in its audience? How far up the development path could we take this in 36 hours?
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Cycles of Change

Each of us has more personal power than any man known to history who lived prior to this century.
Each of us has before us, on a daily basis, more alternatives than any man who lived prior to 1950.
Most of us will see more change by the year 2000 than has occurred since the middle ages.
Our ability to ‘predict and control’ future events is greater now than in the past and is increasing. 
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